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Our Crew's Definition of Ready

To declare a Product Backlog Item (PBI) as "ready" for inclusion in our sprints, it must meet the comprehensive criteria set forth below:


  • Well-Defined Objective: The PBI must articulate a specific goal or functionality, detailing the what, the why, and the value to the user or business.
  • Detailed Acceptance Criteria: It includes precise, measurable conditions that must be met for the PBI to be considered complete, facilitating clarity and consensus on the definition of done.


  • Technical Viability: Assessed and confirmed to be technically feasible within our current technology ecosystem, leveraging our collective skills and expertise.
  • Dependencies Managed: All external dependencies are identified, with strategies in place to address or mitigate them, ensuring no roadblocks to progress.


  • Sprint Compatible: Sized to fit comfortably within a sprint, considering our velocity and capacity, to avoid spillover and ensure achievable delivery targets.
  • Breakdown and Refinement: Larger items are broken down into smaller, manageable pieces that can be completed within a sprint, enhancing focus and delivery predictability.


  • Aligned with Strategy: Clearly prioritized based on strategic value, urgency, and impact on project objectives, ensuring that we're always working on what matters most.
  • Stakeholder Consensus: Prioritization reflects a consensus among stakeholders, including product owners and the development team, balancing business needs and technical considerations.


  • Collaboratively Estimated: The effort required is estimated by the team, using techniques like planning poker to ensure a shared understanding and commitment.
  • Reflective of Complexity and Effort: Estimates consider the complexity, effort, and potential uncertainties, fostering realistic planning and allocation.

Team Consensus

  • Unified Agreement: Full team consensus on the PBI's readiness, ensuring everyone is on board, understands the scope, and is committed to delivering the expected outcomes.
  • Open Discussion: Encourages robust discussion and questions, ensuring any concerns are addressed and resolved before commitment.


  • User Benefits Clear: The PBI clearly demonstrates how it benefits the user or enhances the business value, justifying its inclusion and priority in the sprint.
  • User Feedback Incorporated: Where possible, incorporates user feedback or insights to ensure that the solution meets real user needs and preferences.

Implementation Notes for Our Crew

  • Engage in Rigorous Refinement Sessions: Utilize backlog refinement sessions to diligently assess and confirm each criterion, ensuring no PBI is prematurely considered ready.
  • Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Regularly revisit and refine our Definition of Ready, incorporating learnings and feedback to evolve our practices.
  • Encourage Full Participation and Ownership: Every team member, from developers to product owners, actively participates in defining and agreeing on the readiness of PBIs, fostering a sense of ownership and shared responsibility.